The area that has been surveyed extends over 100 x 80 kilometers, in the départements of "Nord-Est" and "Artibonite". All speckle filtered images and damage assessment maps (processing by ParBleu Technologies Inc.) are produced in cartographic projection UTM WGS 1984 (Zone 18 Q), and at a spatial resolution of 15 meters x 15 meters (in some case, at 12.5 meters x 12.5 meters).
The map below is a medium resolution damage assessment map (spatial resolution of 75 meters x 75 meters) of the overall area monitored by the Canadian RADARSAT-1 satellite.
For an easier legibility, the effects detected using multi-temporal RADARSAT-1 radar imagery have been superimposed on top of a LANDSAT-7 Panchromatic image of July 3rd, 2003.
This is a clickable map :
Wherever the option is available, click on your area of interest to acquire a detailed close-up view at a spatial resolution of 15 meters x 15 meters.
Related Pages at the
Earth Observatory :
Produced by PARBLEU TECHNOLOGIES Inc. under mandate of the CANADIAN SPACE AGENCY.
(Standing Offer for Disaster Management Information Products and Services; PWGSC File Number 9F028-014927/008/ST)
Procurement of the original RADARSAT-1 SAR data: Canadian Space Agency and Radarsat International Inc.
Procurement of the LANDSAT-7 ETM+ image: Courtesy of the University of Maryland (URL:
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Copyright (C) PARBLEU Technologies Inc., October 2004